Why You Wake To A Dizzying Start First Thing In The Morning

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Getting out of bed can prove difficult as it is, and waking up with dizziness only makes it much harder. Feeling dizzy out of the blue is a common reason people get online medical consultations for quick answers, but getting to the bottom of it is not straightforward as there could be many causes. For one, ageing makes us more susceptible to blood pressure issues and various health conditions that could cause morning dizziness.

However, if you only wake up dizzy occasionally, there is generally nothing to worry about. It only becomes a concern if it happens regularly or becomes a daily occurrence. There are several reasons why you may wake to a dizzying start, including:

  • Dehydration
  • Certain medications
  • Sleep apnea
  • Low blood pressure
  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
  • Heart failure

What is dizziness?

The best way to describe this feeling is when you experience a disturbed or impaired spatial orientation relative to your surroundings, i.e. having a weird or funny feeling in the space around you. A good example is vertigo or imbalance, wherein you feel like you or the world around you is spinning with or without your body and head moving. Besides waking up feeling dizzy, one might also experience dizziness when standing.

Despite this, dizziness is subjective since people’s experiences may differ. For instance, those who experience vertigo or lightheadedness may describe how they feel as dizziness.

Why you wake up feeling dizzy

1. Dehydration

Insufficient fluids in the body cause your blood volume to drop along with your blood pressure. A lower blood pressure slows down blood circulation to the brain slower, which results in dizziness when waking. As such, drinking more water and eating well throughout the day to rehydrate your body should suffice to resolve the issue.

2. Medication

Certain medications can cause dizziness in the morning due to their effects on the body’s blood pressure or interactions with other medicines. Examples of such medicines include:

  • Antidepressants
  • Antibiotics
  • Antipsychotics
  • Anti-epileptics
  • Antiretroviral medications
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Diuretics
  • Opioid pain relievers

If you think your medication is causing the issue, consult your healthcare provider to figure out if that is truly the case and to find a workaround and do not just stop taking them unless they recommend it.

3. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is when your breathing becomes inconsistent while asleep, preventing the blood from getting enough oxygen and causing lightheadedness, dizziness, or feeling like you might faint. This condition can also develop into other problems like headaches, whose symptoms include dizziness.

4. Low blood pressure

Certain sleeping positions can cause fluctuations in blood pressure first thing in the morning since blood tends to pool in the trunk of the body when lying down. Getting up causes most of the blood to head to the legs and abdomen, leading to a drop in blood pressure. The body can typically restore blood pressure to normal levels quickly, but if you have low blood pressure or orthostatic hypotension, the process may happen sluggishly hence why you feel dizzy.

Although low blood pressure can cause dizziness, lightheadedness or various other uncomfortable feelings when waking up, it is only temporary and should last for no longer than a few minutes. That said, talking to a virtual doctor in Singapore is still recommended if these sensations occur regularly.

5. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

BPPV is a problem in the inner ear affecting its five sensory organs that can cause dizziness when waking or when first getting into or rolling over in bed. This condition may also lead to debilitating symptoms such as trouble walking straight, nausea, and vomiting.

6. Heart failure

Having heart failure means your heart can no longer effectively pump the blood your body needs, causing blood pressure problems that result in dizziness when changing positions. According to medical experts, there is a known connection between imbalance problems, heart failure, and an increased risk of falling. Therefore, those with cardiovascular problems are more likely to experience dizziness and balance issues.


If you experience dizziness upon waking, check with your healthcare provider as soon as possible. They can check your blood pressure and see how it responds when your body changes positions, rule out problems like cardiovascular issues, and get to the bottom of your morning dizziness.

The MYCLNQ app connects you to the right medical professional that can help you with your morning dizziness and any other ailments you may be experiencing. As the leading app for telemedicine in Singapore, it also provides many other medical services you need, such as medicine e-commerce and delivery, private ambulance services, and supervised ART tests. For more information about our services, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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