What are the challenges of remote working especially during the pandemic? Is remote working here to stay even after the crisis?
Tech companies like Facebook, Twitter. are announcing that the transition to remote work is going to be permanent.Mark Zuckerberg announced that up to half of Facebook’s employees could be working remotely in five to 10 years
In Singapore, employees are only allowed to go into the office only when it is necessary or if they need to access something sensitive like legal work. If your employer in Singapore operates a non-essential service but insists that you continue working; you may report this to Covid_GoBusiness@mti.gov.sg.
In this new work-from-home reality that we’re living in, it’s particularly challenging for people to draw a line between work life and personal life. It is very important for employers to
- Respect working hours and off-working hours
- Ease on micromanaging and trust employees
- Have clear communication tools. E.G Slack for Updates, Emails for Reports etc

Some “traditional” companies that don’t believe in flexible work or remote work have been forced into it by the pandemic. These managers are definitely forced to trust employees and accept that digital transformation is necessary to keep the business alive
Here are some communication tools you can use to for remote working