What The Color of Your Urine Says About Your Health

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Did you know that the color of your urine can be a sign of your body’s overall health? Your urine naturally carries a pigment called urochrome. It should be a transparent yellow, almost clear color. However, the colour can change depending on your food and nutrient intake.

Aside from that, there are off chances where your urine can be an unusual color. If that’s the case, don’t simply brush it off. Discolored urine can point to signs of a health disorder.

The next time you go to the bathroom, pay attention to the color of your pee to see whether you’re experiencing an underlying medical condition. Here are the possible colors and what your body is trying to tell you.


Clear and completely transparent urine means that you have met the required water intake. While that’s a good thing, it can also mean that you are drinking too much water.

Yellow to amber

Light yellow to deep amber is the standard and ‘normal’ color for urine. The urochrome in your body is diluted the more water you drink.

This urochrome is produced from hemoglobin, or the protein carried in your red blood cells. Depending on how diluted it is, the urochrome in your body will reflect that.

If your pee is neon yellow, it may be a sign that you have plenty of B-vitamin in your system.

Dark orange

If you have dark orange urine, it could signify dehydration. Notice that your pee is darker in the morning or after you exercise. In these cases, increase your water intake so that hemoglobin in your system can be fully diluted.

On the other hand, dark orange urine can also result from drinking supplements. Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin B12 are known to give you orange urine.

Red or pink

Red or pink urine can mean one of two things. First, it might again be a cause of the foods you eat — beets, blueberries, and other strong-colored fruit can do that.

If you haven’t eaten any of that recently, it could mean hematuria. This is the appearance of blood in urine, resulting in conditions like kidney stones, enlarged prostate, urinary tract infections (UTI), and other related diseases.

If this is the case with you, act accordingly and consult a doctor online in Singapore for a better diagnosis.

Blue or green

Blue or green urine may also stem from the food or drink you take. Usually, this is due to dyes or food coloring they have in them. In general, bluish urine is rarer.


If you notice anything weird with your urine, it’s best not to delay action. Take the first step of calling a doctor to provide you with an accurate diagnosis.

With the MyCLNQ app, you can get consult a virtual doctor right away. From private ambulance services to telemedicine in Singapore, you can be diagnosed and treated while you are at home or work. Receiving medical help has never been more convenient.

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