5 Health Conditions You Can Develop Due To Constant Stress

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There’s a common misconception that only bacteria and viruses can cause health problems. Many people don’t realise that stress can also be a significant factor behind several different kinds of health conditions. Particularly, being constantly stressed out can disable your immune system and make you more vulnerable to diseases.

Stress can adversely affect the ability of your body to operate properly and fight off microscopic invaders. In such a case, stress can either worsen your already existing health conditions or create new ones.

Below are some of the significant health conditions you can develop if you don’t minimise your stress levels anytime soon.

1. Heart Disease

If you’re stressed out, your heart usually palpitates intensely, and your pulse rate and blood pressure may skyrocket. When these things occur often, your heart can experience damage over time because of the frequent wear and tear. Most of the time, elevated stress levels can even cause increased blood cholesterol.

Essentially, stress can lead to high blood pressure and increase your risk for heart attack and stroke. For this reason, it’s essential to check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, especially if you have been stressed from work or school.

If you begin experiencing some symptoms of heart disease, such as chest pain and shortness of breath, see a doctor online in Singapore right away.

2. Diabetes

Aside from increasing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stress can also lead to out-of-control blood sugar, especially for those already diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes patients are required to follow a moderate and healthy lifestyle that keeps their blood sugar within acceptable limits at all times.

However, with constant stress, it may induce people to binge on harmful foods high in carbohydrates, and this can cause a surge in their glucose levels. Diabetes patients who are constantly experiencing stress need to check their blood sugar on a regular basis. They should take their medication consistently and avoid stress-induced overeating as much as possible.

3. Gastrointestinal problems

Stress can also affect your digestive system and cause a decrease in the blood flow and oxygen to your stomach. When this happens, you become at risk of developing a variety of gastrointestinal problems, including inflammation, cramping, bloating, and loss of appetite.

If you have an already existing gastrointestinal disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or peptic ulcers, being constantly stressed out can also exacerbate your condition. Hence, to control your situation, you need to manage your stress levels well.

4. Cancer

An increasing number of studies have shown possible links between stress and various types of cancer. Since stress is known for weakening the body’s immune system, people who are suffering from chronic stress tend to have less protection against cancer and other major illnesses. Being stressed out all the time can essentially increase your risk of developing cancer.

If you’re already diagnosed with cancer, stress can then contribute to the progression of your disease since it can affect vital pathogenic processes in cancer, including antiviral defenses, cellular aging, and DNA repair. If you think you’re highly susceptible to major diseases like cancer due to stress, you should consider seeking advice from an online doctor in Singapore.

5. Depression and anxiety

Apart from physiological disorders, stress can also make you vulnerable to mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. Having unresolved stress can make you feel angry, irritated, or hopeless most of the time. These emotions can then lead you to develop depression. Similarly, high levels of stress can cause you to always feel uneasy, nervous, and frightened, which can eventually result in anxiety and panic attacks.

If you want to determine whether a stressful situation is the cause of your mental disorder, you should observe if there is a pattern between stress and your mental health. If the condition continues or increases in frequency, you may need to immediately see a counselor or psychologist to help you deal with the root issues.


Stress is a normal part of life and everyone experiences it from time to time. However, too much stress affects your daily activities and even impairs your physiological and mental health. To live an active and healthy lifestyle, it’s not enough that you always exercise and have a balanced diet. You should also have a good stress management system to have a stronger immune system that can fight off any illness.

Aside from these things, you must also undergo regular checkups so that you can monitor the status of your overall health at all times. If you think your stress is already causing harm to your health, do not hesitate to see a doctor online. Medical consultations are now made more accessible and convenient with the coming of MyCLNQ, the best app for telemedicine in Singapore that will help you access a range of telehealth services in no time!

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