Feeling Constipated? Here Are 3 Ways To Get Some Relief

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Feeling constipated is something that occurs in everyone at least once. It is usually indicated by fewer trips to the bathroom to move one’s bowels.

Many believe that a lack of daily bowel movement equals constipation, but this is not the case.

Officially speaking, constipation only applies when patients experience two or fewer bowel movements within a week.

However, other symptoms can classify it as constipation. Below, we delve into the other symptoms of constipation and share a few simple ways to get relief from it.

What is constipation?

Constipation disrupts a person’s regular bowel movement, which generally makes it more infrequent while also making it more difficult to pass stools.

Besides this, patients may also be constipated if they experience some of the following symptoms as well:

  • A blocking feeling in their gut
  • A feeling that they have not fully emptied their bowels
  • Severe pain when passing stool
  • Blood in the stool
  • Cramping
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Rectal pain from straining

If you experience any of these symptoms lasting for more than several weeks or longer, you may need to see a doctor for some constipation remedy. You can book an online medical consultation if you are too unwell to leave the house.

With our MyCLINQ app, you can book the appointment with just a few clicks. From there, you can discuss your symptoms with a certified medical professional and be prescribed the medication you need for your condition.

How to treat constipation at home

Resolving constipation generally begins with your diet and the lifestyle you lead. With a few simple changes, you can speed up the rate at which your stool moves through your digestive system and out of it.

Add more fibre to your diet

Increasing fibre intake is one of the most common effective ways of treating constipation. Doing so increases the weight of the stool and thus speeds up its passage through your intestines.

However, note that a sudden increase in fibre intake may trigger gas and uncomfortable bloating.

Hence, take it slow and gradually consume more and more fibre for a few weeks instead of eating lots of it in just several days. Some fibre-rich and healthy foods you can eat more of are vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole-grain products.

Drink more water

Dehydration from not drinking enough fluids daily is a common cause of chronic constipation. If you are not drinking between eight to ten glasses of water, adopt the habit as soon as right now.

If you already do, adding two to four extra glasses can help ease constipation. Lastly, do not focus on simply avoiding dehydrating; ensure that you are drinking the right kind of liquids and avoiding caffeinated or alcoholic beverages.

Allow more physical activities

Constipation may be a sign you need to exercise more. Physical activity increases muscle activity in the intestines and helps things move along faster and easier.

As such, take time to get some exercise on most days per week, even if it is just something simple and low intensity like walking.


Constipation is a relatively minor issue, but if left untreated, it may interfere with your daily life and potentially result in more severe complications like haemorrhoids and other related diseases.

If the tips mentioned above are not enough, it is recommended to see a virtual doctor in Singapore with the MyCLNQ app. As Singapore’s accredited app for telehealth, MyCLNQ provides all the everyday medical services you need in just a few clicks, such as doctor consultation, medicinal e-commerce, and private ambulance services in Singapore.

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